Howdy Dudes,
It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted any new musings, ramblings and what-have-you. Things have been a bit busy, hectic, chaotic at times throughout this last year. I recently flipped open one of my many Field Notes notebooks (I’m particularly fond of the National Park Series) and found a similar salutation to myself. Dated September 30, 2023, this entry reads, “It’s been a good long while since I’ve written, but nonetheless, here we are.” Flipping through a few more pages I found very similar sentiments from my noggin to myself. This made me realize that I wasn’t doing a stellar job at abiding as often as I should be. Takin’ ‘er easy. Getting things off my mind and onto paper. The physical act of writing.
You’ve probably seen social posts and ads encouraging Dudes, men, to journal, write, blog, etc. I have to say, they’re right. It’s important to get thoughts, dreams, goals, frustrations and memories onto physical paper. It’s therapeutic. It relieves the stresses of the world to gather your thoughts, translate them into words and revisit those thoughts later on. Not only is it a relief to exude your feelings onto paper, it’s a time capsule, a recording of history, a memoir of sorts for future generations to learn from. Once I’m dead and gone, I want my sons, grandkids and their grandkids to learn from my experiences, my mistakes, my misjudgments, my successes and my ambitions to improve my life and the lives of people around me. My grandfather was a Marine in WWII and sadly, passed away when I was only 12. He didn’t talk about his experiences much, he didn’t write any of it down and he didn’t want to share. On the one hand, I understand and respect that. On the other hand, though, I believe it would have helped him immensely in his healing process as well as given us a better understanding of what he went through. It’s also incredibly helpful to know where you came from as you grow and mature. Who were your great, great grandparents? What were they like, what was their upbringing like, what struggles did they face every day? Having those nuggets of wisdom brings perspective and reminds us that we aren’t that bad off comparatively.
And so, in an effort to assist my fellow Dudes in their writing efforts, I created a basic little journal called;
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